Website design with adrienne maree brown

adrienne maree brown’s writings on emergence, pleasure, and Black-led liberation have been instrumental to my political path ever since I encountered her groundbreaking work, Emergent Strategy. Having the opportunity to design her new website was one of the highest honors of my career.

For this project, I worked alongside my team at And Also Too and web developer Darren Puscas. Together, we crafted a website that feels like a virtual lounge—a rich and inviting space where visitors can immerse themselves in the diverse facets of adrienne’s work, including her writings, poems, podcasts, and more.

The design merges typography with a literary flair with photographic textures of all things adrienne: cosmic skies, mineral formations, and an array of animal and floral textures.


adrienne maree brown

Jess Pinkham (administrative assistance to adrienne maree brown)


And Also Too

Una Lee (art direction)

Zahra Agjee (studio coordination)


Darren Puscas (web development)

Victoria Barnett (web support)


  • Web Design
  • UX
The website landing page for adrienne maree brown features a full-screen background image with a rich, textured look resembling flowing water or marbled patterns in shades of teal and dark blue. Centrally overlaid is a white text box containing the name "adrienne maree brown" in lowercase, elegant typography, followed by the words "awe. liberation. pleasure." in a smaller font. Below this, a navigation bar with buttons such as 'columns', 'projects', 'books', 'podcasts', and 'blog' invites further exploration.
The ‘Podcasts’ page for adrienne maree brown's site features an aerial or satellite image of what appears to be an otherworldly landscape with rich textures and a palette of greens, reds, and browns. The word "podcasts" is prominently displayed in a large, pink font on a white overlay that blends into the page. Below this overlay, detailed information about the 'Emergent Strategy Podcast' is provided, including the names of the co-hosts and a brief description of the podcast's focus on collaborative projects of the Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute. The design of the page is visually striking, using the natural patterns of the landscape to create a sense of depth and complexity.
The footer of adrienne maree brown's website features a cosmic backdrop with swirling nebulae in hues of blue, teal, and orange. Prominently displayed at the top half is a white hexagonal call-to-action reading "book adrienne" for speaking or other paid engagements, set in bold, pink letters. Below, two geometric shapes contain separate calls-to-action: the left, a rose-colored hexagon invites visitors to "become a member of this site," while the right, a teal hexagon encourages becoming a "patreon supporter," both in matching pink typography.
The ‘Presskit’ section on adrienne maree brown’s About page features a top banner with a textured background resembling tree bark, above which sits the call-to-action "book adrienne for interviews, paid and unpaid speaking or other engagements." Below, three hexagonal icons provide navigation to different content sections: "my work" is accompanied by an image of a leaf, "in the media" by a butterfly wing, and "friends and teachers" by a crystal formation.

Type with a literary flair

The website uses Inferi, a typeface with a distinct literary flair, to submerge visitors in adrienne’s world.

Photographic textures

Photographic textures are strategically employed in headers, hero images, and background sections, offering an irresistible, “otherworldly” feel.

‘Gemstone’ calls to action

The website’s calls to action are envisioned as a collection of gemstones, each holding a myriad of natural treasures.

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