
guadalupe pérez pita
graphic designer
co-design facilitator
With over a decade of experience in the field of collaborative design and design for social justice, my practice revolves around amplifying the efforts of grassroots movements, non-profit organizations, community organizers, artists, researchers, and cultural workers.
As a member of the Design Justice Network, I am part of a dynamic community of practitioners deeply committed to redefining design as a vehicle for liberation.
I am constantly learning with current and past co-conspirators, with special recognition to my former team at And Also Too, where I worked from 2016 to 2023.
my practice
As a designer and facilitator, I engage with communities from a space of curiosity, recognizing that people are inherently creative and knowledgeable of the realities they are seeking to change. Their insights and visions are the key ingredients for designing tools that truly speak to their needs.
My role is about listening to community’s inner brilliance and channelling it into the language of design. My work is grounded in anti-oppression, design justice, collaborative design, trauma-informed facilitation, and popular education.
design justice
My practice is guided by the Design Justice Principles, which call to actively listen and critically engage with areas and structures of oppression in design, starting with ourselves as people, and our processes as designers.
For constantly guiding me and teaching me the depth of this work, I am indebted to present and past co-conspirators, and particularly to my colleagues and mentors at And Also Too.
let’s connect
my services
I love working and facilitating in English, French, or Spanish, and I’d be honored to lend the following services to your project:
- Art Direction
- Co-Design Facilitation
- Graphic Design
- Web Design
- Illustration
contact me
If you feel we are on the same page about design justice or you would like to know more, then let’s connect!
- info@lalupe.soy
- (514) 297-4841